Author Archives: catherineB

I’m off on a blog tour again!

Ah, writers, they grow up so fast! I’m feeling all grown up and big and ‘my haven’t you grown!’ about my wee writerly self today. And sadly it’s not that I’ve acquired any more inches (I wish!); it’s just that … Continue reading

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Thirteen sleeps till publication day!

In twelve sleeps’ time it will be my birthday (don’t ask how old I am!); in fourteen sleeps’ it will be the Jubilee, but – most excitingly – in thirteen sleeps ‘Pop!’ hits the bookstores and I’m getting all giddy … Continue reading

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A Jubilympic Reading List

Calling all librarians, teachers and parents – is there a child in Britain not doing Jubilee/Olympics as their ‘topic’ in school this term? Both mine certainly are. There are some great non-fiction titles related to both these topics, but what … Continue reading

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Pop! New cover art at last!

Check out the amazing new cover art for my next novel ‘Pop!’ which comes out in June 2012. It’s on the Books page if you want to take a look and let me know what you think! I can’t quite … Continue reading

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We Can be Heroes longlisted for the Branford Boase and the SSBA

Very touched and excited to hear the Heroes has been longlisted for The Brandford Boase AND the Southern Schools Book Award! Loving the BBA because it’s an award for editors too and my editor, the amazing Ali Dougal at Egmont, … Continue reading

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We Can be Heroes nominated for the CILIP Carnegie Award

Today I’m all of a flutter, more than a little bit giddy and floating round in state of shock. Why? Because The 2012 Carnegie Nominations were announced today and there I was, up there with my literary heroes: John Boyne, … Continue reading

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We Can be Heroes Shortlisted for Centurion Award and Longlisted for The Redbridge!

Flipping Nora! This month just gets better and better! First it was The Carnegie Medal nomination, now I’ve just found out that We Can be Heroes has also been long-listed for The Redbridge Children’s Book Award AND short-listed for The … Continue reading

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Big Bath Blog Story

As part of this year’s Bath Festival of Children’s Literature, twenty children’s authors are taking part in an ongoing story project which has been moving from blog to blog for the last week or two, with each author continuing the … Continue reading

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Writing for Children in a Post 9/11 World

This is a piece I wrote for Armadillo Magazine. You can check out the rest of the great magazine at: Writing for Children in a Post 9/11 World ‘For a story to truly hold the child’s attention, it must … Continue reading

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Discussion topic for book groups

Discussion points for book groups This post is written in honour of my own lovely book-group who told me I had to have a section on my website with discussion points for book groups. And since I wrote We Can … Continue reading

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