Ah, writers, they grow up so fast! I’m feeling all grown up and big and ‘my haven’t you grown!’ about my wee writerly self today. And sadly it’s not that I’ve acquired any more inches (I wish!); it’s just that a year ago I didn’t know what a blog tour was. I’m not sure I really knew what a blog was and I’d certainly never written one. And now look at me, about to set off on my second blog tour – all grown up and blog veteran-ish (sort of!) Bless my little cotton socks!
My exciting new blog tour is tied in with the publication of my new book ‘Pop!’ (‘Billy Elliot’ meets ‘The X Factor’ via ‘Shameless’ … wonderful contemporary storytelling with character that really get under your skin’ – The Bookseller) I’ve written about the on-off love affair between reality TV and fiction; about my guilty pleasures (things that inspire me, even if I’m a teensy, weensy bit embarrassed to admit it!); about Recession Literature for kids; and why it’s a nightmare having a teen novelist (me) for your teacher; about things I stole from real life to put in my new novel and lots of other stuff too.
Find out why my mum is going to kill me when she reads Pop!, about the fish-finger ear piercing granny zombie incidents, and how I outed my friend who’s a secret popstar. Find out why recession inspires great literature, hear my guilty confession about the Season 1 finale of ‘Glee’, and work out what my ‘anxiety of influence’ is and why Pop! is the secret love child of Simon Cowell and Suzanne Collins
It’s going to be messy, a little bit mad, definitely embarrassing, possibly thought-provoking with occasional flashes of profundity (maybe – I did try!) So come along – join the blog train. Check out the dates below if you want to follow:
June 11th http://nayusreadingcorner.blogspot.com/
Help! My teacher is a teen novelist
June 12th www.bookbabblers.co.uk
My guilty pleasures: thing that inspire me (even if I am teensy weensy bit embarrassed to admit it
June 13th I want to read that
Reality TV and the novel
June 14th www.BookAngelBooktopia.com
Things I stole from real life – and other places – to put in my novels
June 15th Chicklish
Recession literature – why economic downturns inspire great literature